Are you ready to listen to Davis D web prosperity blog
Make more cash from commissions and bonuses!
Earn immediate income and residual cash flow!
Grow your business faster than you ever thought possible! The benefits….
Good management, residual income, spillover referral system in a forced matrix, and valuable tools you can use for your Primary Business of selling whatever it is you want to sell online.
Market WebProsperity − the most powerful and profitable product suite ever! Web Prosperity not only saves you money and time, but you can make a nice residual income from the people you refer to this program. With this forced matrix system and inherent spillover, there is a viral effect added as well. The viral effect comes from the fact that you’re experiencing spillover referrals all while your busy using their tools to do what you may already be doing, marketing on the internet. Who recommends WebProsperity, besides DAVID D'ARCANGELO?
Ewen Chia
Patric Chan
Stu Stirling
Stone Evans
and LOOK at this generous 67% commission pay plan.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Home based biz internet shopping
Will you act during the economic downturn, or simply REACT? Don't let fear of the recession guide your goal setting plans for 2009. This is a BIG mistake...!Fear is an emotional response, only good for short-term survival. When you're in "fight or flight" mode, you're not thinking clearly about the path you're running... You're just RUNNING! So your efforts lack strategy, planning, and insight. I want you to do more than just survive 2009.Internet shopping is predicted to hit $145.1 Billion in the coming year, a significant 14% increase -- despite the recession!Consumers will be spending more time at home, using their computers for everything from bargain hunting and product research to upgrading skills.Studies show this shift is ALREADY well underway...! I don't want the Big "R" to stop you from pursuing exciting personal, financial, and business goals in 2009, so I've arranged to get you exclusive VIP access to an important video that Internet marketing guru Derek Gehl just put up on his site. Derek's been successfully selling on the Internet for over a decade now, and he's brought in over $100 MILLION in sales...... so he's by far the BEST person to advise you about how to thrive in ANY market. When you watch his FREE Goal Setting Video, you'll discover how you can make 2009 your richest year yet: Ask Derek Wishing you health, wealth, and happiness in 2009!
The #1 Biz Buzz for 2009 - Happy New Year
Now in Pre-Launch - Join Our Team Today !(Join for FREE in Pre-Launch)The Countdown has begun - Launching January 6, 2009 - Don't Delay !
Make more cash from commissions and bonuses!
Earn immediate income and residual cash flow!
Grow your business faster than you ever thought possible!
Market WebProsperity − the most powerful and profitable product suite ever!With the new WebProsperity Freedom Compensation Plan, there are 3 ways you can earn:
Pacesetter Bonus
Momentum Matrix Royalty
Platinum Leadership Development BonusPacesetter Bonus - Earn immediate income with 20% recurring bonus! Momentum Matrix Royalty – Earn rewards for team building with new 2 x 15 matrix! Platinum Leadership Development Bonus – Enroll Platinum Leaders and earn based on their teams! Pacesetter Bonus – Earn $6 per Premium Builder and $12 per Elite Builder Packages − every month! EXTRA! Refer 5 Members for Elite Builder Package and yours is FREE! Momentum Matrix Royalty – Includes Compression, PowerBand Commissions @ 10th and 15th levels, Reentry Opportunities! Premium Builder Members/Subscribers are eligible for Pacesetter Bonus and Momentum Matrix Royalty − and up to 10,000 USD per month! Upgrade to Elite Builder Package and earn even more! Elite Builder Package Members/Subscribers are eligible to earn all 3 bonuses and have unlimited earnings potential! Attention Platinum Team Members with Elite Builder Packages! Enroll Platinum Leaders and earn on their entire WebProsperity Platinum Team! Calculated on % basis from 10 USD at 3 levels: you earn…
First level @ 20%!
Second level @ 15%
Third level @ 10%(Join for FREE in Pre-Launch)Let’s make this the biggest and best launch ever!
Make more cash from commissions and bonuses!
Earn immediate income and residual cash flow!
Grow your business faster than you ever thought possible!
Market WebProsperity − the most powerful and profitable product suite ever!With the new WebProsperity Freedom Compensation Plan, there are 3 ways you can earn:
Pacesetter Bonus
Momentum Matrix Royalty
Platinum Leadership Development BonusPacesetter Bonus - Earn immediate income with 20% recurring bonus! Momentum Matrix Royalty – Earn rewards for team building with new 2 x 15 matrix! Platinum Leadership Development Bonus – Enroll Platinum Leaders and earn based on their teams! Pacesetter Bonus – Earn $6 per Premium Builder and $12 per Elite Builder Packages − every month! EXTRA! Refer 5 Members for Elite Builder Package and yours is FREE! Momentum Matrix Royalty – Includes Compression, PowerBand Commissions @ 10th and 15th levels, Reentry Opportunities! Premium Builder Members/Subscribers are eligible for Pacesetter Bonus and Momentum Matrix Royalty − and up to 10,000 USD per month! Upgrade to Elite Builder Package and earn even more! Elite Builder Package Members/Subscribers are eligible to earn all 3 bonuses and have unlimited earnings potential! Attention Platinum Team Members with Elite Builder Packages! Enroll Platinum Leaders and earn on their entire WebProsperity Platinum Team! Calculated on % basis from 10 USD at 3 levels: you earn…
First level @ 20%!
Second level @ 15%
Third level @ 10%(Join for FREE in Pre-Launch)Let’s make this the biggest and best launch ever!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Home based heavy hitters
This will surely be one of those opportunities you'll be thanking yourself you got involved early in...Launches January 6th, 2009!From David D'Arcangelo and Implix (owners of GetResponse,Website Wizard, Talkstream), this is a REAL company with amazing technology and products./Our team is gearing up after Christmas to massively promote thisand you have the chance to get in early and lock in your pre-launch position absolutely free.And yes, this is a forced matrix, so timing is everything right now.(Take action now while the rest of the heavy hitters are away for the holidays)Get all the details here and listen to the audio from David and secure your spot and then take massive action!Your January in 2009 will be your best ever... Have a Happy One................
Monday, December 29, 2008
Home biz Holiday Greeting
Holiday Greetings!As 2008 comes to a close I would like to thank you for your loyalty in being a friend/partner in online marketing for over the year!My holiday greetings to you:you and your family enjoy an abundance of peace, joy and eachother this holiday season!Thank you for your presence on my blog today) and therefore in my life...With gratitude,have a fine 2009.
Home business Co-op ADVERTISING
Home biz spill would like to tell you about an opportunity that I have found. You can join for Free right now because it's in pre launch. This gives you a chance to build your downline before committing any money. With this system you get spill over from your upline to help build your downline. Each member can only have three people on there first level. The fourth member onwards goes to your downline. You can get paid on thousands positions below you. Here's the really good thing, you can have multiple positions so you could re-enter and earn on another position. There's no limit to what you could earn!They also have a Co-op advertising system too. This can put your business on auto pilot once it goes live. This business is great for both people looking for a business and people already in one. This is because the company is an Internet advertising business. So once it goes live in January and you pay your monthly subscription you can advertise your primary business link. I am a member of a number of businesses which I am working on. This is one the best ones. I will be able to advertise my business and earn an income all from one source.This is a great opportunity to join now while it's free. Start building your downline ready for when it goes live. Visit this site for me info.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
home business advertising matrix
WOW !!! Advertising That Pays BigJust Released'BIG Bux-Matrix' has created a superior matrix compensation plan.Explosive Growth Coming . . . Here's Why:
Low cost, one time purchase ===> no one drops out
$1 million potential income ===> masses of new members join
Repurchases of ad packs ===> fuel fast & consistent growthPlus, lots of ways to earn cash - free or upgraded . . .
Earn cash to view ads
Earn cash when your referrals view ads
Earn cash when your referrals upgrade
Earn cash when your referrals re-purchaseJoin Now !!!
Low cost, one time purchase ===> no one drops out
$1 million potential income ===> masses of new members join
Repurchases of ad packs ===> fuel fast & consistent growthPlus, lots of ways to earn cash - free or upgraded . . .
Earn cash to view ads
Earn cash when your referrals view ads
Earn cash when your referrals upgrade
Earn cash when your referrals re-purchaseJoin Now !!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Freebie Force home biz update
Everything In Line For A Great '09 !This year has been an incredible year for Freebie Force members, but there is MUCH more coming - and coming soon!As part of that we want you to know we are introducing new tools and updates that are all designed around making 2009 a GREAT year for you financially!With that in mind, we invite you to our huge 2009 kick off call, being held on Saturday January 3rd.Be there for 3 major announcements which will help you grow your business to new heights! With a new year and an economy on the brink, there has never been a better time to be a FreebieForce member!We will also announce the two $1000.00 winners of our Freebie Submitting contest for the last 2 months - If you have submitted a freebie in the last two months it could be you!So don't miss this call and let your team know about this important information - because everything is in line for a GREAT 2009!
Friday, December 26, 2008
home biz position
We have reserved a position for you in our program. but we need you to confirm before we can star tbuilding UNDER YOU.Here's how it works...We let you take a F*R*E*E position in our program, theneveryone that takes a position after you, is placed UNDERyou! So while you're taking a look at our program, we'replacing other potential customers on YOUR team., this means you could actually have a PAYING member under you before you even decide to get started yourself.Talk about a NO BRAINER. Act fast though, this thing is really cranking. We have new PAYING customers pouring in daily.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas from a home bizzer
May this Christmas be bright and cheerful and may the New Year begin on a prosperous note!I want to wish you and family a happy, healthy and joyful holiday with your loved ones all around.Here is a gift I'd like you to have. It's a collection of over 30 classic novels and some other bonuses contained within.It also has Master Resale Rights with it, so if you'd like to market this or give it away to others, the choice is yours.Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Home Biz prelaunch
.. AWESOME tool that is FREE right now we know its Christmas Eve...but we had to sneak away from my family for just a minute because I think this is so AWESOME!!! !Get in now to claim your FREE spot because when the flood gates are opened up your matrix will fill quickly!If you currently have A Weber, Audio Acrobat, GoTo Meeting, etc., etc., etc., you HAVE to check this out. You can roll all these tools into one place and pay just one monthly fee instead of several! This is an amazing auto-responder tool with MANY other features like: image storage, audio & video storage, live chat and GoTo Meeting-Like features which can all be easily be imported into your website!There are too many features to really just need to check it out! not gonna waste any more of your precious time just go check it out and reserve your F*REE spot NOW NOW NOW!!!
Network marketing biz spill
I met a guy online who absolutely loved his business.That wasn't the problem.Here's where this gentleman went wrong...The first thing that came out of his mouth on our opportunity with this amazing product and the company is in pre-launch.Get in now and you'll be set for life!"Ok.Honestly...Do you think Bob has a good shot at establishing any type of relationship or any chance at sponsoring distributors using this opening line???Of course not! Its ludicrous to think that this could ever work.I felt like I just got puked on by Bob and his business opportunity.Yup, Bob puked on me.And I definitely don't want to initial connection was, "Hello, my name is Bob. How would you like to own your own business? I've got this amazing do business with Bob now because I don't work with people who puke on me...and neither should you! This is THE #1 WORST POSSIBLE THING you could do if you're trying to build a network marketing business.This repels your ONLY target market, network marketers,because they could care less about your business.This approach doesn't work in person so why would anyone intheir right mind believe it could on a website?Yet I see MILLIONS of networkers promoting websites that are doing EXACTLY what Bob has done here:Puking on people by promoting their business opportunity onthe initial contact.Do you want to learn how the top earners attract endless new distributors to their businesses effortlessly and build monster down lines that pay them for years and years?I will show you how to build your business the right way:
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
home based biz smokin
Did you know the Government is consistently raising your taxes to pay for the health care costs that are brought about by smoking and other smoking related illness and diseases.So what can a smoker do to get away from not only the increasing tax burden on every pack of cigarettes but also the health risks that smoking brings with it?You can quit, yeah right, how many times have you tried that?...OR...You can switch to the newest technology to hit the smoking market in years, the Electronic Cigarette !!!Can`t wait to see this? Get to this site Right Now! (Be sure to select "Left, Powerleg" when registering)Even if you don`t smoke, I`ll bet you know someone that does and is suffering the consequences of it both health wise and financially. Wouldn`t you like to help them out and maybe make a nice income from it at the same time?Here it is again, Go There Right Now, you will be highly impressed with the innovation of this new product I guarantee it.(Be sure to select "Left, Powerleg" when registering)Call me with your contact info is on the site right along with all the great video presentations! Why not give yourself or someone you know the best gift of all...better health.
Internet biz
Hi, my name is THE GURU and I'm one of those "Internet" guys ...I work at home and make more money in a month than most people make all year.I don't have any eBooks, courses or "membership sites" to sell you.But I do have a website that explains what I'm all about.It costs nothing to see my online video... Here's what I'm proposing. No ridiculous claims and no B.S.
home biz wireless
I'll keep this real simple... For the past 20+ years, we have experienced a phenomenon called the Wireless Industry. And Sir, these Companies are the only ones that have made any money in this industry... Right now, $11 Billion is spent on wireless phones Every Month, and NO ONE gets paid? Well, that ENDS today! For the first time in United States business history, there is a way for you and I to get PAID when people use their Cell Phones. How big a deal is this? Well, let me ask you this. Do you know anyone who doesn't have a mobile phone? It's actually getting hard to find someone who doesn't own one. Mobile phones have become so common and so necessary, they're almost like air; we can't live without them! How much does your household spend on wireless bills per month? $100? $200? $500? Americans alone spend over $11 Billion per month on wireless phone bills and no one in history has ever been paid Residuals on those bills! There are over 250 Million Wireless Customers in the United States. Could you imagine how wealthy you would become if you only received just a piece of their bill every single month?How Do You Get In On This Revolution?Go here and enter your information to watch this exciting video Or if your already a member of the the TeamTake a look at this video and when you're readyto get your share of the Multi-billion dollar Cell phone industry reply to this or any email you receive from me...And I will Help, Teach and Train you on how to take maximum advantage of this Opportunity. By becoming a part of our fast growing team. I will make it super-easy for you to learn how to start, grow, and maintain a successful home-based business in the Wireless Industry. Bottom Line Bro we will ensure your success. It's just that simple.
Monday, December 22, 2008
home biz cycler
All marketers came together. . .~And worked 1 program?~And it was a fast moving 2by2?~And you could cycle daily earning $540 each and every time?~And the strongest marketers got to be in FIRST to do the "soft launch"?~And it was only $200 one time?~And the admin fee was only $60?~And it featured products that you really want and can actually use?~And the timing was perfect...just in time for the holidays?2009 is right around the corner and something great is happening! Three top marketers coming together to bring you a new cycler that will give you just whatyou want...and need!Money in your pocket NOW and in the New Year to come.Don't wait. You'll regret it if you do. Go here and sign up now:
The next home biz blogger Are you a home bizzer? Tell the world about it.
network marketing home business future
The future of Network Marketing is here
WE believe the future of Network Marketing is secure because the economy
requires that when one cannot find a job, they must become a job, Also
the skill set to be successful can be learned reguardless of a persons
background.The net has great networking info for free/,
The biggest challange is to get rid of all the hype about earning
thousands of dollars a month without any marketing training for FREE.
The truth needs to be told so people will know what is expected to
become a successful networker.
WE believe the future of Network Marketing is secure because the economy
requires that when one cannot find a job, they must become a job, Also
the skill set to be successful can be learned reguardless of a persons
background.The net has great networking info for free/,
The biggest challange is to get rid of all the hype about earning
thousands of dollars a month without any marketing training for FREE.
The truth needs to be told so people will know what is expected to
become a successful networker.
Are you the next V.I.P. HOME BIZ BLOGGER ?
ArHow To...
Admit When You Are Wrong
Build a Better Portfolio
Define Your Trading Stop Loss
Determine Overbought / Oversold
Do Due Diligence
Get Started Trading
Read Bullish Candlesticks
Read Candlesticks
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Read Charts for Short Term
Read Yahoo Finance Charts
Trade and Work Fulltime
Trade Futures
Trade Gaps
Trade Stocks for a Living
Trading a Downward Trending Market
e you inveting links.
Admit When You Are Wrong
Build a Better Portfolio
Define Your Trading Stop Loss
Determine Overbought / Oversold
Do Due Diligence
Get Started Trading
Read Bullish Candlesticks
Read Candlesticks
Read Charts
Read Charts for Short Term
Read Yahoo Finance Charts
Trade and Work Fulltime
Trade Futures
Trade Gaps
Trade Stocks for a Living
Trading a Downward Trending Market
e you inveting links.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
home business net program
Get seriously fired up about 2009. There are so many good things going in my life I just don't know where to start.Over the next several days I will be telling you about some ofthe cool things going on, but I wanted to send you an update about a program I have been monitoring for the past several weeks. I am always looking for ways to advertisemy adventures and I am going to be honest with you,some of these businesses have been good and some not so good.But that is all about to chang e maketer.If you own a business, any kind of business you must be in this program networker that is the bottom line. No ifs, ands orbuts about it...This will be a monster of a program....Check out my blog for the conference call I was just on and see for yourself what I'm talking about.
Global Verge Home biz
Commercial units available for whole communities up to 10,000 gallons a day. Governments will buy these folks and you can sell them to them and make huge commissions, who do you know that needs pure drinking water, Answer everyone. If you are interested I can supply you with spec sheets just ask the king.
Existing Members The information on the AIR 2 WATER machines is also up in the back office you have to look at this it is Amazing, go to Corporate info then resources then document library and look at the links for the different models we will have comming WOW
POWER SAVER Just plug it in to save on your power bill and reduce dangerous EMF from your home at the same time and sell them to make commissions if you want too
YOUR OWN RETAIL ONLINE SHOP YOU KEEP ALL THE PROFITS MILLIONS OF PRODUCTS PCs Laptops Whitegoods huge list do your xmas shopping and get paid commissions get people to shop from your very own online store and make money, imagine you have your very own online store with a million products and people buy direct from you and pay you right into your paypal account direct yes direct to you, amazing new concept.
Your very own TRAVEL SHOP Retail wholesale whatever you want I know people who are joining just to use the travel shop to make an income online from globalverge travel others just want cheap travel for themselves and get paid a commission on your own or families travel bookings.
Big announcements including GV will have its own Global phone network how would you like to have Global unlimited calling with broadband and video and cellular satelite comming a whole bunch of stuff. WE WILL BE AHEAD OF THE PLANET BY FAR.
I strongly suggest you get with this now folks and work this with me and the team we are in an unbelievable situation with GV to those that have activated well done for those that havnt re activated now is the time if you need help just ask.
This is how you will be paid a global first no one does it this good
Live Long and Prosper
The website will be up and down as all products are getting intergrated you will be at the top of the company if you join with me now i can get you in now prior to opening.
Commercial units available for whole communities up to 10,000 gallons a day. Governments will buy these folks and you can sell them to them and make huge commissions, who do you know that needs pure drinking water, Answer everyone. If you are interested I can supply you with spec sheets just ask the king.
Existing Members The information on the AIR 2 WATER machines is also up in the back office you have to look at this it is Amazing, go to Corporate info then resources then document library and look at the links for the different models we will have comming WOW
POWER SAVER Just plug it in to save on your power bill and reduce dangerous EMF from your home at the same time and sell them to make commissions if you want too
YOUR OWN RETAIL ONLINE SHOP YOU KEEP ALL THE PROFITS MILLIONS OF PRODUCTS PCs Laptops Whitegoods huge list do your xmas shopping and get paid commissions get people to shop from your very own online store and make money, imagine you have your very own online store with a million products and people buy direct from you and pay you right into your paypal account direct yes direct to you, amazing new concept.
Your very own TRAVEL SHOP Retail wholesale whatever you want I know people who are joining just to use the travel shop to make an income online from globalverge travel others just want cheap travel for themselves and get paid a commission on your own or families travel bookings.
Big announcements including GV will have its own Global phone network how would you like to have Global unlimited calling with broadband and video and cellular satelite comming a whole bunch of stuff. WE WILL BE AHEAD OF THE PLANET BY FAR.
I strongly suggest you get with this now folks and work this with me and the team we are in an unbelievable situation with GV to those that have activated well done for those that havnt re activated now is the time if you need help just ask.
This is how you will be paid a global first no one does it this good
Live Long and Prosper
The website will be up and down as all products are getting intergrated you will be at the top of the company if you join with me now i can get you in now prior to opening.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
is your home business blog on Technorati ,yet?
Doh! The Technorati Monster escaped again.
We're currently experiencing backend issues and are working to resolve them as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
We're currently experiencing backend issues and are working to resolve them as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience.
Unlimited banners for your home biz
This banner network shows your *unlimited*amount of banners non-stop... On one site, , this one gets millions of views in 1 month.So combined with the other twenty sites, thatis a far reach advertising for any programyou may belong to.You can get 1 mill. banner ads and you will see that you actually do get traffic with this massive network.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
traffic for home based biz
There are thousands of online auctions on the internet.People love them because they can usually find great bargains. If you have an online business, you can usethem to increase traffic to your web site.You could create an electronic book or report that relates to your online business, then auction it off at an online auction. You could increase traffic to your website by placing an ad for your web site in the electronicpublication. Some online auctions will even allow youto link directly to your web site.Electronic publications won't cost you anything to ship.You could send them via e-mail or allow people to download the electronic publication from your web site.You can also auction them off for a lower price. When they visit your web site you could offer them a higherpriced product.You could also get traffic from people who don't bidor don't get the winning bid. You could direct themto your web site to download and read a free sample of the ebook or report before they bid. If they want more detailed information about the ebook or report,you could also direct them to your web site.You can also get traffic to your web site by auctioning a physical product. Print your web site advertisementon a flyer or brochure then insert it into each product package you ship.Before you start auctioning any product at an onlineauction, read the terms and conditions. Some auctions may not allow the auctioning of electronic products ordirectly linking to your web site where you have other products for sale.
Home based biz leads
What is the one thing that you are constantly in need of with your network marketing opportunity? (97% failureIf you're anything like most folk...its LEADS! If you aren't talking to people daily or sending them to your site daily you are in need of leads.Many people in network marketing are failing because of the difficulty of mastering lead generation.Guess what?!We have mastered lead generation for all of you out there struggling to find leads, paying BIG BUCKS to buy leads, or still searching for leads!Our system is FREE and better yet, the leads will pay you to join your list!You will be building your own list (which you can turn around and market to), making $10 sales from the leads you generate AND you will be showing EVERY prospect that joins your list your primary opportunity.IT DOESN'T GET EASIER THAN THIS!!!Check it out...Start generating a list TODAY! Simple Home Business System Resources Create Wealth Resources Millionaire Lifestyle Resourses businesses for sale Personal Development Resources The Science Of Getting Rich Can You Afford to Retire? The Great Retirement Rip Off Workers Face Paycheck Pinch Personal Development Resources A Home Business For the Serious Entrepreneur Network Marketing Resources Wealth Creation Resource Huge Profits from Home Learn How To Create Residual Income How To Retire Rich Can You Afford to Retire? The Great Retirement RipOff The Wealth Theory Workers Face Paycheck Pinch Home Business Web Hosting Resources The Secret to Creating Wealth - Resources Work from home opportunity Residual Income Opportunity Free downloads of Wealth Resources
Home based biz games
It's true! As a game license owner, all you have to do isgive away free games and you can earn a fantastic weeklyincome. Each of your game websites is uniquely coded foryou to make money. Game players can try your games forfree. You can hand out “GameBucks” that are uniquelycoded to your game websites.When People Play, You Get Paid. It really is that simple.Millions of people love computer games. They spend hundreds of millions of dollars playing them and competingwith others over the Internet. Imagine how much you could make getting new players started. Now you can go fromimagining it to making it a reality and we make it real easy.Sign up today to become an MVP Game License Owner and youcan print an unlimited number of your own personalizedGameBucks. Then get paid for giving them away!Register for FREE: and lock yourself into a good team position MVP Network Inc. is a 14-year-old, publicly traded companythat is a leading independent developer and publisher of3D multiplayer online PC games for global distribution.The company's specialty is sports games including Golf,Soccer, Liar's Poker, American Stock Car and Grand Prix style racing games. New games on the way: Bowling, Billiards and Basketball.Their 3-Dimensional interactive technology gives gameplayers real competition in live online tournaments. Theyhave developed proprietary in-game voice communicationswith voice-over IP technology that allows game players totalk to the other players around the world while they playand all MVP online games feature real world physics to addto the excitement of playing!Play 10 holes free on three beautiful golf courses to geta feel for the quality of the MVP games:To see the sales website that is going to make you money,visit us. You will get yourown similar replicated web site. But don't join from thatsite, join through for the chance to receive a $2,000 Advertising package, where you control all of the in-game advertising. You also receiveadditional marketing benefits and more team support. Refer three or more people who also want MVP Game Licenses and your income can really take off! You must have atleast 3 personal sales to qualify for payment but as soonas they join you start getting paid! Not only that, youKEEP getting paid again and again!Special Limited Time Offer:Join me as a prestigious Game License Owner today and I'll help jump start your business. From now until December31, 2008, you can be eligible to have up to 3 paid membersreassigned to you, as your personally sponsored members. If you receive up to 3 people, within the given timeframe, you will have met the qualifications for payment and be well on your way to making weekly checks!Want to get paid even faster? Bring in 3 people by next Tuesday noon, and get paid that same Friday!Want to see how much money you can make? Go Now to and start your game business TODAY! To Your Success, The M.V.P.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Are you still looking for the right advertising?
Since 1995, Craigslist has exploded into
an advertising phenomenon used by literally
millions of people every day.
Craigslist® is the place to go when you want
quick targeted results for your product or service...
Imagine being able to reach 45 million people with
your offers in a matter of minutes..
Craig's Power List took 2 years to fully develop in order
to ensure top quality and flawless operation without
causing server issues on our end and problems with your
ISP and mail provider on your end.
This program is 100% safe and effective and at present
is sending 45 million ads consistently day after day.
Thier studies have confimed a 55% increase in sales for
thier beta testers and now those results could be yours
no matter what you are selling.
Get started today and get results fast!
They even offer a complete 30 day money back
Since 1995, Craigslist has exploded into
an advertising phenomenon used by literally
millions of people every day.
Craigslist® is the place to go when you want
quick targeted results for your product or service...
Imagine being able to reach 45 million people with
your offers in a matter of minutes..
Craig's Power List took 2 years to fully develop in order
to ensure top quality and flawless operation without
causing server issues on our end and problems with your
ISP and mail provider on your end.
This program is 100% safe and effective and at present
is sending 45 million ads consistently day after day.
Thier studies have confimed a 55% increase in sales for
thier beta testers and now those results could be yours
no matter what you are selling.
Get started today and get results fast!
They even offer a complete 30 day money back
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Website Is.
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A Huge Money Making Website - Integrated with AdSense
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ffic, almost instantly.
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oting your new website by email.
Setup and Hosting Help - Even though you get full easy to
follow setup instructions. If you still have trouble you can
contact us we will set up and host your website for you.
As an special offer, I am offering my complete Adsense
Treasure System A fully automated website which makes
you money while you sleep,
Finally a tool for you to make some serious money. Click
purchase the link below and download the setup files
*Highly Optimized
*Content Rich
*Profit Pulling
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Here's What You Get:
A Huge Money Making Website - Integrated with AdSense
ads, dynamic feeds and over a thousand content pages.
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Letter from the ARBITRAGE CONSPIRACY dude
Hi INTERNET Hard to believe, but 533,000 people in the US lost their jobs in November, the trend will be the same in many other countries, I'm certain of that.
That's 533,000 families who just took a very hard hit.
Think of the fear, the uncertainty, the anger, and the humble realization that these people are now coming togrips with...
...these individuals may need to consider themselves luckynow if they can find even an undesirable job, that paysmuch less money, just to survive in this climate!
>>>I've personally known hardship, so I understand that knotin the stomach and quiet suffering that can accompanyfinancial uncertainty. It's horrible.
Right now we are entering the most financially uncertainperiod in modern history.
The current global economic meltdown and impending world financial crisis is probably the biggest single threatto your financial future. (I say impending because I truly believe the crisis hasn't even fully hit yet!)
Just 12 months ago, who would have thought giants like GM, Citibank, etc. would be almost "extinct",and all those people who think they have good securejobs with companies like this would be so much at risk!
The obvious question is...
You need a powerful and proven "Plan B"
You need a skill that will be one of the most sought afterand needed, even during hard times, and that pays youhandsomely.
You need a skill which allows YOU to control your ownincome, that only depends on your own efforts, withoutbeing reliant on anyone else.
I have such a skill, and I'm more than safe. I'mactually making MORE MONEY now, not less!
This skill I have is extremely valuable and it isn't hardto learn... in fact, a few weeks ago, I shared whatI know with over 150 of the best online marketers on theplanet (in Las Vegas), and it even blew their socks off!
You know why?
Because ANYONE can do it, and because it has the power tomake so much money, so quickly.
Sure, you are not going to earn $50k to $100k a day like I do right off the bat...
...but *ANYONE* can generate $100, $200 or $300 a day (andgrowing) within a month of getting started with traffic arbitrage the way I teach it. And, yes, even sooner than a month is also very real!
===================================before the chance is gone:>>>Come See===================================
There are certain income generating skills that simply beatall others.
Look at Warren Buffet for example. He knows how to invest.You can be pretty sure that irrespective of the market conditions, he'll make profits.
Knowledgeable investing makes this possible. It's a skillthat will serve you forever.
Arbitrage is exactly the same. Here's why...
All we do in arbitrage is go out and get "traffic" cheaplyand send it to an offer from a company (who already knows what a visitor is worth to them) for a higher price.
There will always be people looking for information and solutions online, and there will always be companies who these people to visit their website, and will pay for the privilege.
We become very skilled in acquiring the visitor for a small fee, and send that visitor on to an offer that pays us more.
It's a very specialized, yet very simple skill, and if youare prepared to learn it, exactly as we teach you, andapply yourself, you can become wealthy.
There are literally thousands and thousands of ways to make excellent money with this skill!
If you have no 'Plan B' for your families income, then youare at the mercy of this runaway economy.
I invite you to regain full control of your financialfuture:
In fact, arbitrage is, in my opinion, the simplest and most powerful life changing cash generation skill in the world today.
Here's why...
* You can start with very little investment, literally afew hundred dollars
* It's a completely portable business, you can work in your home, or anywhere you want to as long as you have a computer an internet connection
* You don't need any employees
* You have "no" fixed costs
* You can work as much or as little as you choose
* There is a non stop supply of new offers (so you cannever be too late to get started)
* It is incredibly scalable (I regularly make up to $100k a DAY, how's that for scalability!)
* You don't need any technical skills you normally need torun an online business (you don't need to learn ftp, copy writing, sales skills, web design, cgi installtion, shopping cart and merchant account set up), everything you need to know is very simple and easy to do, and ANYONE can learn it.
* Anyone can do it, male or female, any age (15 or 85), withprevious success or not, it doesn't matter where you live.Google, MSN, Yahoo and the other engines will send the visitoryou pay for to the offer, and the company will pay you, plainand simple
Does this sound too good to be true?
This business is real, it exists and it's going to getbigger, whether you decide to get involved or not.
The only question is, will you take this chance orwill you let it pass by?
Right now, you can still order my course, and learndirectly from me, because while this is (in my opinion)the best business in the world, it has dangers, and youneed coaching.
IT'S FULLY *Guaranteed*
I know that right now the price may SEEM expensive, andI understand. That's why I will assume ALL THE RISK for you.
*Guarantee 1*: If for any reason in the first 30 days you don't see the obvious value in this training, simplycontact us for an immediate refund.
*Guarantee 2*: If after following our entire 12 week systemstep by step, creating an average of 2 campaigns a day(approx 30 minutes each once you perfect the process), and you still haven't covered your cost for thecourse, simply send us your logins to verify the campaignsand revenues, and we'll refund you every single penny PLUS send you an EXTRA $500!
And you'll still have all the knowledge anyway!
If you don't choose this as your plan B, thenwhat will you choose? Seriously... try and stack up ANYother business model with the points I mentioned above.
Don't miss out.
Best Wishes,Aymen
PS: The doors to the training class open TODAY! So makesure you get in now to start on time!
PPS: We expect to reach our limit that we can comfortablytrain, and close the doors very soon, with LITTLE OR NO NOTICE.So make sure you read the details of what's involved and then decide quickly.
That's 533,000 families who just took a very hard hit.
Think of the fear, the uncertainty, the anger, and the humble realization that these people are now coming togrips with...
...these individuals may need to consider themselves luckynow if they can find even an undesirable job, that paysmuch less money, just to survive in this climate!
>>>I've personally known hardship, so I understand that knotin the stomach and quiet suffering that can accompanyfinancial uncertainty. It's horrible.
Right now we are entering the most financially uncertainperiod in modern history.
The current global economic meltdown and impending world financial crisis is probably the biggest single threatto your financial future. (I say impending because I truly believe the crisis hasn't even fully hit yet!)
Just 12 months ago, who would have thought giants like GM, Citibank, etc. would be almost "extinct",and all those people who think they have good securejobs with companies like this would be so much at risk!
The obvious question is...
You need a powerful and proven "Plan B"
You need a skill that will be one of the most sought afterand needed, even during hard times, and that pays youhandsomely.
You need a skill which allows YOU to control your ownincome, that only depends on your own efforts, withoutbeing reliant on anyone else.
I have such a skill, and I'm more than safe. I'mactually making MORE MONEY now, not less!
This skill I have is extremely valuable and it isn't hardto learn... in fact, a few weeks ago, I shared whatI know with over 150 of the best online marketers on theplanet (in Las Vegas), and it even blew their socks off!
You know why?
Because ANYONE can do it, and because it has the power tomake so much money, so quickly.
Sure, you are not going to earn $50k to $100k a day like I do right off the bat...
...but *ANYONE* can generate $100, $200 or $300 a day (andgrowing) within a month of getting started with traffic arbitrage the way I teach it. And, yes, even sooner than a month is also very real!
===================================before the chance is gone:>>>Come See===================================
There are certain income generating skills that simply beatall others.
Look at Warren Buffet for example. He knows how to invest.You can be pretty sure that irrespective of the market conditions, he'll make profits.
Knowledgeable investing makes this possible. It's a skillthat will serve you forever.
Arbitrage is exactly the same. Here's why...
All we do in arbitrage is go out and get "traffic" cheaplyand send it to an offer from a company (who already knows what a visitor is worth to them) for a higher price.
There will always be people looking for information and solutions online, and there will always be companies who these people to visit their website, and will pay for the privilege.
We become very skilled in acquiring the visitor for a small fee, and send that visitor on to an offer that pays us more.
It's a very specialized, yet very simple skill, and if youare prepared to learn it, exactly as we teach you, andapply yourself, you can become wealthy.
There are literally thousands and thousands of ways to make excellent money with this skill!
If you have no 'Plan B' for your families income, then youare at the mercy of this runaway economy.
I invite you to regain full control of your financialfuture:
In fact, arbitrage is, in my opinion, the simplest and most powerful life changing cash generation skill in the world today.
Here's why...
* You can start with very little investment, literally afew hundred dollars
* It's a completely portable business, you can work in your home, or anywhere you want to as long as you have a computer an internet connection
* You don't need any employees
* You have "no" fixed costs
* You can work as much or as little as you choose
* There is a non stop supply of new offers (so you cannever be too late to get started)
* It is incredibly scalable (I regularly make up to $100k a DAY, how's that for scalability!)
* You don't need any technical skills you normally need torun an online business (you don't need to learn ftp, copy writing, sales skills, web design, cgi installtion, shopping cart and merchant account set up), everything you need to know is very simple and easy to do, and ANYONE can learn it.
* Anyone can do it, male or female, any age (15 or 85), withprevious success or not, it doesn't matter where you live.Google, MSN, Yahoo and the other engines will send the visitoryou pay for to the offer, and the company will pay you, plainand simple
Does this sound too good to be true?
This business is real, it exists and it's going to getbigger, whether you decide to get involved or not.
The only question is, will you take this chance orwill you let it pass by?
Right now, you can still order my course, and learndirectly from me, because while this is (in my opinion)the best business in the world, it has dangers, and youneed coaching.
IT'S FULLY *Guaranteed*
I know that right now the price may SEEM expensive, andI understand. That's why I will assume ALL THE RISK for you.
*Guarantee 1*: If for any reason in the first 30 days you don't see the obvious value in this training, simplycontact us for an immediate refund.
*Guarantee 2*: If after following our entire 12 week systemstep by step, creating an average of 2 campaigns a day(approx 30 minutes each once you perfect the process), and you still haven't covered your cost for thecourse, simply send us your logins to verify the campaignsand revenues, and we'll refund you every single penny PLUS send you an EXTRA $500!
And you'll still have all the knowledge anyway!
If you don't choose this as your plan B, thenwhat will you choose? Seriously... try and stack up ANYother business model with the points I mentioned above.
Don't miss out.
Best Wishes,Aymen
PS: The doors to the training class open TODAY! So makesure you get in now to start on time!
PPS: We expect to reach our limit that we can comfortablytrain, and close the doors very soon, with LITTLE OR NO NOTICE.So make sure you read the details of what's involved and then decide quickly.
letter how to make money online
Dear Loser,Yesterday, while I was out on my yacht, I began to think of all the reasons why I'm the man, and why you suck.I thought about how I make millions of dollars doing hardly anything... while you work your ass off for peanuts.Let's face it: With all the opportunities on the Internet to make a FORTUNE, the fact that you're not rich means you're pathetic.Seriously.Here are 7 reasons why you probably suck at making money on the internet:Reason 1: You don't take action.If you're like most people, you spend all your time on stuff that's NOT IMPORTANT, and never focus on the things that will IMMEDIATELY MAKE YOU MONEY.You're too busy procrastinating, coming up with excuses, or watching "American Idol" reruns while eating your frozen TV dinners.It's sad, really.One of the reasons I'm rich and you're not is because I don't put up with any BS. I take action and get things done. And then I cruise around in my Ferrari.Reason 2: You don't understand marketing.You can make millions of dollars online without ever "selling" anything. But you still need to understand certain principles of marketing.You need to understand the secrets for getting people to reach into their wallets, take out their money, and hand it over to you.If you don't learn this skill, you'll be cutting out coupons and shopping at Wal-Mart for the rest of your miserable life.For my websites that have made me millions of dollars, I've always used a simple, 5-step marketing approach. This formula works like crazy EVERY SINGLE TIME. And it's very easy to use.Lucky for you, I reveal this 5-step "magic formula" in my Rich Jerk eBook.If you haven't bought my eBook yet, scroll back up and re-read the first reason why I'm better than you. Then click this link and download my eBook today:Reason 3: You don't have the resources.There's an old saying that "It takes money to make money."When it comes to getting rich online, that saying is complete B.S. You don't need inventory, you don't need expensive overhead, and you don't need an office. Because all you're really doing is selling "air".But even though you don't need money to make it, you do need certain "resources". You need to know WHERE TO GO and WHO TO USE for your various business needs.For example, do you know where to go to instantly get incoming links with high page ranks?Do you know which pay-per-click websites (besides Google and Overture) you can use to get qualified visitors for cheap?Do you know which software to use to automate yourbusiness?It takes awhile to figure this stuff out... unless you can find someone who has ALREADY figured it out.And that someone is me. Even though I'm a jerk, I'll show you all the EXACT RESOURCES I use on my websites that make me millions of dollars.It's all in my eBook. Just go here:CReason 4: This is your first time.Have you ever made more than a million dollars with one website?I didn't think so.What they say is true: The first million is always the hardest to make. But now that I've done this several times, it's so easy for me to make millions that it's actually disgusting.That's OK, though. I was thinking of getting a new jet anyway.Reason 5: You buy into B.S.Ever seen those "mega" how-to courses with all the shiny DVDs, workbooks, audio CDs, and all that other crap?It's all junk!Don't waste your time with it. Making money online isn't so hard that you need to listen to some boring loser ramble on about it for 50 hours.Wouldn't you rather be able to sit down, quickly get all the strategies and techniques you need, and then start making money IMMEDIATELY?That's what I thought.And that's why my eBook cuts to the chase. I don't waste your time with anything that won't quickly increase your bottom line. Period.Reason 6: You don't know the shortcuts.The nice thing about the Internet is there are so many SHORTCUTS you can use to make money. For instance, here are some of the tricks you'll learn in my eBook:# How to make money from the FREE website I'm going to give you.# How to make a killing even if you have no website, and no clue how to make one.# How to use Google Adwords to advertise your free website.# How to use Google Adsense to make even more money from your free website.# How to build your own list of email subscribers and how to send them other offers that earn you money automatically.# How I had the # 1 ranking website in Google for 3 years, for terms such as "bad credit", "bad credit loans", and more. Over 100 million competitors couldn't beat me - Even the big lending companies.# How to create your own ebook in just 2 dayswith ZERO costs, and how to sell it online.# How to get affiliates to promote your ebook.# How to create your own eBay Powerseller business.# Examples of my current and former websites that have made me millions. Copy them if you want to, I don't care.Once you learn this stuff, making money online is about as difficult as taking a test with the answer key in front of you.Of course, I'm sure you'll still find a way to screw it up.Reason 7: You don't listen to good advice.I've made millions of dollars online.Don't believe me? You can see proof on my website here:If you think someone else can do a better job of showing you how to make money on the Internet, then I suggest you put down the crack pipe. Because I'm the man.My eBook is the most practical, no-nonsense guide to getting rich that you'll ever see. And I'm so sure of it, I offer a 60 day guarantee. More details are on my website.So quit being a pathetic loser and get my eBook now.can think of a dozen more reasons why you probably suck at Internet marketing, but frankly I'm bored.I think I'll go get a massage... all that typing sure was hard work.Later Loser,-RJP.S. Have you gotten your free website yet?If not, you're being a moron.How do you expect to start making money on theinternet without a website?You'll also get all my best training for free.So stop being stupid and go here now to getyour free website: wait. Do it now. i wont do it now,im a loser.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Home biz explosive growth
**300% EXPLOSIVE Growth per Month!**This is a product that people use every day.Who doesn't need vitamins, I know I do.For a 20 dollar business that can be done part time,the potential is HUGE with this company.STOP Paying $100 - $200 in autoships,This home biz Only $19.95 plus shipping!The Business is free...the Website is free!A Copyrighted Pay Plan with a FAST Moving 2 X 10 Forced Matrix and multiple pay points!You only need to sponsor two people to bepaid 10 levels deep.Plus you get fast start bonus's every week for each sale on that your personally sponsored folks purchase!Full 60 day money back guarantee,so there is absolutely no risk by joining.go now for home biz growth...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Advertising That Works!
If you`re already involved in an MLM program, Network Marketing program, Home Based business program, Affiliate program or something similar... then it`s time to listen up!
The web has become so large that unless you spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising nobody is going to find you. If people can`t find you, they can`t sign up in your program and can`t order anything from you.
We will deliver 100% genuine Opportunity Seekers & Webmasters directly to your website.
Yes, you`ll receive an UNLIMITED amount of REAL Visitors To YOUR Website!JOIN FREE now!
Using our powerful Front Page traffic system you can get MASSIVE traffic to any website you supply us with... and the traffic will flood your site every single day!
It`s time for you to sit back, relax & let us promote your website to a target audience of
real opportunity seekers and webmasters!
If you`re already involved in an MLM program, Network Marketing program, Home Based business program, Affiliate program or something similar... then it`s time to listen up!
The web has become so large that unless you spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising nobody is going to find you. If people can`t find you, they can`t sign up in your program and can`t order anything from you.
We will deliver 100% genuine Opportunity Seekers & Webmasters directly to your website.
Yes, you`ll receive an UNLIMITED amount of REAL Visitors To YOUR Website!JOIN FREE now!
Using our powerful Front Page traffic system you can get MASSIVE traffic to any website you supply us with... and the traffic will flood your site every single day!
It`s time for you to sit back, relax & let us promote your website to a target audience of
real opportunity seekers and webmasters!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Twitter you new home biz
-The Twitter Team About Twitter ,Twitter is a unique approach to communication and networking based on the simple concept of status. What are you doing? What are your friends doing—right now? With Twitter, you may answer this question over SMS or the Web and the responses are shared between contacts.This message was sent by a Twitter user who entered your email address. If you'd prefer not to receive emails when other people invite you to Twitter, great place for you to meet folks in home business...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
spillover money working from home
Have you ever seriously wanted to make more money working from home ? Are you tired of being tired of the check to check life and seem to never get ahead. Here is your opportunity of a lifetime and it is absolutely FREE!!! We have just launched the most powerfull online system online and here is you chance to get positioned at the very top!!! Do Not Miss This Lifetime Opportunity and get all the facts: A. You will go at the very top with me directly. B. There is NO cost to lock in a position. C. You are ahead of a MAJOR ad campaign in cue and all the spill-over will go to those that take immediate action. Follow these action steps: 1. Go here and take a Free Tour. (Do not enter bogus info and waste my time) 2. At the end of the tour read my profile and learn about me. 3. Take a 100% Free Position and lock in a position. This is key as this builds itself and those that act first get better positioning. Do it and Do it NOW!!!!
Grab a fantasTic system
Grab this free marketing system and launch 22+ income streams on autopilot.
This system does everything for you...all it takes from you is about 5 minutes per day.
It does take more time to set up, but 22 videos walk you step-by-step through the process. Once you have your income streams set up, all your referrals will join under you in the various programs.
Simple and are going love it!
This system does everything for you...all it takes from you is about 5 minutes per day.
It does take more time to set up, but 22 videos walk you step-by-step through the process. Once you have your income streams set up, all your referrals will join under you in the various programs.
Simple and are going love it!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Christmas miracle give
Yes, this $26O Miracle will put a smile on your and your family's faces for Christmas and Beyond...!NO MONTHLY FEES PAY $26O ONE TIME AND EA'RN FOR LIFE!We have all kinds of ways to help you finally become successful.Get In N0W! Imagine building a small team of 2 people, and getting paid $540 over and over again. Even Multiple Times Per Day!So what you waiting For?My $260 turned into over $Thousands$ in the very First Week!Join the fun, action and Financial freedom my friend! This ad is too funny.
How to network market,why so many network marketers fail
Network marketing is not easy. Don't kid yourself and truthfully don't even attempt a network marketing venture unless you either have or plan to put into place a highly potent and highly duplicatable network marketing system geared for 2008 and beyond.
Before I tell you what a great network marketing system should look like let's talk about what doesn't work for most network marketers. As I'm sure you probably know, network marketing is notorious for having a 97% failure rate. Let's talk about why.
Have you ever heard of Occam's razor?
Basically it states that the simplest explanation for a phenomenon is usually the best. We'll use this theory to explain why more than 97% of network marketers fail.
Most network marketers fail because the marketing methods that they are taught don't work 95% of the time. Pretty simple right?
So we're led to ask the logical next question, what are most fledgling network marketers taught?
Well, I can only speak from my experience, but what I was taught was to buy and cold call leads.
Now, I'm not going to say this doesn't work, but I will say is that after six months of cold calling leads for 3 hours a day with very little success this tactic doesn't work for me. Don't get me wrong some people are very good at cold calling leads, but most people aren't.
What happens to most people after they've spend thousands of dollars on leads with very little success after months of effort?
They give up.
Another factor contributing to why most network marketers fail is the type of leads they use. Why does the type of leads make a difference?
Business opportunity leads, the leads most new network marketers are told to use, are generic. These leads answer an ad that just asks them if they want to be financially free, or make money from home or something like that.
Well . . . of course they do!
But that doesn't mean they want anything to do with YOUR network marketing program. When the average network marketer calls these generic bizz opp leads the leads don't know anything about the network marketer's business and for the most part honestly don't care. This leads to the fledgling network marketer hearing a lot of "NOs".
Hearing NO all the time leads to quite a bit of self doubt, both about the network marketers own ability and the validity of their association with their network marketing company. Negative feelings begin to harbor and as I said before eventually the network marketer gives up, usually with 3-6 months.
The fledgling network marketer's perception of their business goes from one of opportunity to one of complete doubt and negativity. Reality follows perception, so because the fledgling network marketer believes both themselves and their business as having little hope this becomes TRUE.
That's basically why 97% of network marketers fail if you asked me.
So how do we change this paradigm?
CAN SOME ONE build a Perfect Network Marketing System!
Now we get to the good stuff! What does a almost perfect network marketing system look like?
For the average home based network marketer to be successful certain thing MUST be in place. I will list them here:
o Lead capture page designed specifically for specific Network Marketing Company:
This page must contain strong sales copy that tells the prospect why he wants to opt in for more information. The best way to do this is to offer a High Value Free Report in exchange for there contact information.
o Free Report specifically designed for Network Marketing Companies Opportunity:
The free report must be highly informative. It must explain all of the features and benefits of joining the network marketing organization as an independent distributor and must focus on the support and resources available to the new recruit should they choose to purchase a distributorship. The company's products and compensation plan must be clearly explained here as well. If possible, testimonials should be used, as they are extremely powerful sales conversion tools in this portion of the sale process.
o Follow up Email System:
Attached to the Free Report there must also be a follow up system that continually markets through email the program to the lead. Most leads don't act immediately and must be marketed to at least 7 times before they take action. The email follow up system must have strongly worded sales copy and must have a system for getting through spam filters.
o A Continual Feed Back System that uses the Fear of Loss:
Along the with email follow up system there must be a feedback system that will alert the prospect by email when new prospects opt into the system and invoke the fear of loss during this process by telling the prospect that if the next prospect in line upgrades to a paid position before he does then he will forever loose commission on that prospect. This is an extremely powerful psychological tool.
o Strong Support:
It's one thing to get someone to buy a distributorship, but it's a totally different thing get them to work the business effectively. There must be an email follow up system once a new distributor signs on to ensure that he receive adequate training on how to market successfully. There must also be human support at this point. So, there must be strong relationships built between upline and new distributors.
o A Good Product or Service:
In order for this entire marketing process to work, the system must be back by a strong and ethical network marketing organization that sells a high demand product that people need and would purchase even if there were no compensation plans attached to it.
o You:
You must be an active part of your business. You must be willing and open to learn new ideas and tactics at all times. You must have a passion for your business and truly believe in the product that you plan to build your organization around.
In Conclusion:
I've listed the basic component's a of a perfect network marketing system. This system will involve NO cold calling because the prospect will opt in to request more information specifically about your business before you even talk to them.
Cold calling generic bizz opp leads and hearing a lot of NO's is what causes most network marketers to fail. We want to avoid this at all cost. This is what this system is designed to do!
By having your prospects opt in specifically for more information about your product and business plan and then by giving them a detailed report explaining all of the above before you even speak to them your chances of a successful sales conversion will greatly be increased. The email follow-up and fear of loss systems will increase your chances successful sales conversion even further. These factors will cut down on the number of NO's that the you must endure before success. This will increase your home business's duplicability vastly.
Further, having uniform training and exceptional support are the basics and must be present.
Before you spend another dollar on your network marketing efforts ask yourself if you're using a perfect network marketing system. If your answer is no and you aren't having any success then ask yourself what you can do to change your system to one that will work for you and your future distributors using the principles that I have detailed above.
I struggled with network marketing myself using the old fashion methods, but as soon as I studied internet marketing and how to apply it to network marketing things got a lot easier. I was able to spot network marketing organizations that were specifically positioned for internet marketing and earmark what I thought to be the best of the bunch. After that, it was simple a matter of choosing the one that with what I though had the "best product".
You can view my choice here on this blog As a result of making this choice I recruited new members my very first day without having to call anyone or hear thousands of NOs. All I do is get traffic to my website and I make money.
Network marketing can certainly make you rich, that is… if you have the perfect system in place! Not any system will be perfect forever.........
Before I tell you what a great network marketing system should look like let's talk about what doesn't work for most network marketers. As I'm sure you probably know, network marketing is notorious for having a 97% failure rate. Let's talk about why.
Have you ever heard of Occam's razor?
Basically it states that the simplest explanation for a phenomenon is usually the best. We'll use this theory to explain why more than 97% of network marketers fail.
Most network marketers fail because the marketing methods that they are taught don't work 95% of the time. Pretty simple right?
So we're led to ask the logical next question, what are most fledgling network marketers taught?
Well, I can only speak from my experience, but what I was taught was to buy and cold call leads.
Now, I'm not going to say this doesn't work, but I will say is that after six months of cold calling leads for 3 hours a day with very little success this tactic doesn't work for me. Don't get me wrong some people are very good at cold calling leads, but most people aren't.
What happens to most people after they've spend thousands of dollars on leads with very little success after months of effort?
They give up.
Another factor contributing to why most network marketers fail is the type of leads they use. Why does the type of leads make a difference?
Business opportunity leads, the leads most new network marketers are told to use, are generic. These leads answer an ad that just asks them if they want to be financially free, or make money from home or something like that.
Well . . . of course they do!
But that doesn't mean they want anything to do with YOUR network marketing program. When the average network marketer calls these generic bizz opp leads the leads don't know anything about the network marketer's business and for the most part honestly don't care. This leads to the fledgling network marketer hearing a lot of "NOs".
Hearing NO all the time leads to quite a bit of self doubt, both about the network marketers own ability and the validity of their association with their network marketing company. Negative feelings begin to harbor and as I said before eventually the network marketer gives up, usually with 3-6 months.
The fledgling network marketer's perception of their business goes from one of opportunity to one of complete doubt and negativity. Reality follows perception, so because the fledgling network marketer believes both themselves and their business as having little hope this becomes TRUE.
That's basically why 97% of network marketers fail if you asked me.
So how do we change this paradigm?
CAN SOME ONE build a Perfect Network Marketing System!
Now we get to the good stuff! What does a almost perfect network marketing system look like?
For the average home based network marketer to be successful certain thing MUST be in place. I will list them here:
o Lead capture page designed specifically for specific Network Marketing Company:
This page must contain strong sales copy that tells the prospect why he wants to opt in for more information. The best way to do this is to offer a High Value Free Report in exchange for there contact information.
o Free Report specifically designed for Network Marketing Companies Opportunity:
The free report must be highly informative. It must explain all of the features and benefits of joining the network marketing organization as an independent distributor and must focus on the support and resources available to the new recruit should they choose to purchase a distributorship. The company's products and compensation plan must be clearly explained here as well. If possible, testimonials should be used, as they are extremely powerful sales conversion tools in this portion of the sale process.
o Follow up Email System:
Attached to the Free Report there must also be a follow up system that continually markets through email the program to the lead. Most leads don't act immediately and must be marketed to at least 7 times before they take action. The email follow up system must have strongly worded sales copy and must have a system for getting through spam filters.
o A Continual Feed Back System that uses the Fear of Loss:
Along the with email follow up system there must be a feedback system that will alert the prospect by email when new prospects opt into the system and invoke the fear of loss during this process by telling the prospect that if the next prospect in line upgrades to a paid position before he does then he will forever loose commission on that prospect. This is an extremely powerful psychological tool.
o Strong Support:
It's one thing to get someone to buy a distributorship, but it's a totally different thing get them to work the business effectively. There must be an email follow up system once a new distributor signs on to ensure that he receive adequate training on how to market successfully. There must also be human support at this point. So, there must be strong relationships built between upline and new distributors.
o A Good Product or Service:
In order for this entire marketing process to work, the system must be back by a strong and ethical network marketing organization that sells a high demand product that people need and would purchase even if there were no compensation plans attached to it.
o You:
You must be an active part of your business. You must be willing and open to learn new ideas and tactics at all times. You must have a passion for your business and truly believe in the product that you plan to build your organization around.
In Conclusion:
I've listed the basic component's a of a perfect network marketing system. This system will involve NO cold calling because the prospect will opt in to request more information specifically about your business before you even talk to them.
Cold calling generic bizz opp leads and hearing a lot of NO's is what causes most network marketers to fail. We want to avoid this at all cost. This is what this system is designed to do!
By having your prospects opt in specifically for more information about your product and business plan and then by giving them a detailed report explaining all of the above before you even speak to them your chances of a successful sales conversion will greatly be increased. The email follow-up and fear of loss systems will increase your chances successful sales conversion even further. These factors will cut down on the number of NO's that the you must endure before success. This will increase your home business's duplicability vastly.
Further, having uniform training and exceptional support are the basics and must be present.
Before you spend another dollar on your network marketing efforts ask yourself if you're using a perfect network marketing system. If your answer is no and you aren't having any success then ask yourself what you can do to change your system to one that will work for you and your future distributors using the principles that I have detailed above.
I struggled with network marketing myself using the old fashion methods, but as soon as I studied internet marketing and how to apply it to network marketing things got a lot easier. I was able to spot network marketing organizations that were specifically positioned for internet marketing and earmark what I thought to be the best of the bunch. After that, it was simple a matter of choosing the one that with what I though had the "best product".
You can view my choice here on this blog As a result of making this choice I recruited new members my very first day without having to call anyone or hear thousands of NOs. All I do is get traffic to my website and I make money.
Network marketing can certainly make you rich, that is… if you have the perfect system in place! Not any system will be perfect forever.........
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Sponsor machine system coming soon
SPONSOR SYSTEM proud to invite you for a new launch!Launch is scheduled sometime in Jan. 2009. two ads for tuesday
Here are some bullet points:
1. New Global Opportunity Launching2. Powerline Marketing System3. Product generate pre-enrollees4. Solid Management5. Major Financial Comment to Our Success6. Great Marketing Tools7. Our Upline build a free system for you with 3 Lead Capture Pages8. Forced Company Recycle Matrix 9. Solid Residual Income10. Free Global Debit Card11. Fast Start Bonus12. 5 Leadership Pools Payplan? A company forced re-cycle matrix combined with fast start bonuses, leadership pools and we even get paid via a global free debit card.
Product? Something that EVERYBODY wants and NEEDS,a prospect generator marketing system. Use this breakthrough system to grow your main business or this new business. This is up to you.
Opening date AROUND Jan 2009.
Why not join for Free NOW? because why? its your biz or your home based business
Here are some bullet points:
1. New Global Opportunity Launching2. Powerline Marketing System3. Product generate pre-enrollees4. Solid Management5. Major Financial Comment to Our Success6. Great Marketing Tools7. Our Upline build a free system for you with 3 Lead Capture Pages8. Forced Company Recycle Matrix 9. Solid Residual Income10. Free Global Debit Card11. Fast Start Bonus12. 5 Leadership Pools Payplan? A company forced re-cycle matrix combined with fast start bonuses, leadership pools and we even get paid via a global free debit card.
Product? Something that EVERYBODY wants and NEEDS,a prospect generator marketing system. Use this breakthrough system to grow your main business or this new business. This is up to you.
Opening date AROUND Jan 2009.
Why not join for Free NOW? because why? its your biz or your home based business
Sick of your job and home biz ?
What are you sick and tired of your home biz?
Are you sick and tired of being in the Rat Race?
Are you sick and tired of your job?
Are you sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck?
Are you sick and tired of your commute every day?
Are you sick and tired of all the debt you are in?
Are you sick and tired of not being able to buy the things you want to buy?
Are you sick and tired of not having any free time to do the things you want to do??
Take sometime today and really think about and write down what YOU are sick and tired of.
Then make a decision to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Do NOT let 2008 end without taking some MASSIVE ACTION to start fixing the problem.
The first step is to identify what you are sick and tired of and set a goal.
So please go to TODAY! and talk to you soon.
It's time to get ticked off home business owner, and make some serious changes in your life!
Are you sick and tired of being in the Rat Race?
Are you sick and tired of your job?
Are you sick and tired of living paycheck to paycheck?
Are you sick and tired of your commute every day?
Are you sick and tired of all the debt you are in?
Are you sick and tired of not being able to buy the things you want to buy?
Are you sick and tired of not having any free time to do the things you want to do??
Take sometime today and really think about and write down what YOU are sick and tired of.
Then make a decision to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!
Do NOT let 2008 end without taking some MASSIVE ACTION to start fixing the problem.
The first step is to identify what you are sick and tired of and set a goal.
So please go to TODAY! and talk to you soon.
It's time to get ticked off home business owner, and make some serious changes in your life!
Monday, December 8, 2008
life time advertising
Want FREE life-time advertising?Save 50% (limited time) and grab your spot today!Advertise FREE to over 1 Million Ezine Readers.(read about our service at the net )PLUS - you'll get a life-time membership to ourSafelist with daily, FREE advertising!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
HOT TIP: Did the subject get your attention? Thought I would try a new one. subject lines are important in ads as well as emails so always switch them up.If you have not yet considered our secondary program NOW is the time to take a serious look at what we are doing.The C0mp Plan ROCKS!!! The Product is so easy to give away it is ridiculous.You can e arn in multiple ways and it is FUN,FUN,Fun! Here is a recoding from our BIG Reveal call with the owner of the company. Drag the slider bar to the right to get to the talking since there is music at the beginning 5 minutes or so.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
New profit generating System
"Astonishing New Profit-Generating System So, how is it possible to go from broke and cluelessto earning a living online?--------------------One word... DESIRE.--------------------Do you have it?See, if you do not have a burningdesire within you to become successful.You might as well just turn off yourcomputer and go see a movie becauseall you are doing is entertaining yourself.People are easily enamored with theidea of wealth and success but fewhave a burning desire to make ithappen - no matter what.What is your "why"? Why are youlooking for greater success in yourh'ome bu'siness. Is the reason BIG enoughand great enough to motivate you toachieve your goals no matter what?Mine was pretty clear cut. Out ofpure necessity I had to find a wayto m'ake m'oney from home.------------------------------------Never ever ever give up on reachingthe level of success you desire.------------------------------------It sure is a better way to live life.A life on the edge. Who wants to beone of the 97% of people out there whoare happy just getting by? Not me.In our community you have the opportunity for building yourown lifetime of residual i' help yourself while helping others..."Astonishing New Profit-Generating System Opportunities do not go away, they just go to someone else"To You're Successs,
Friday, December 5, 2008
change your life for 2 smacks
7 People! 7 Weeks! 6 Figures! All for $1.77 . . . .Do you know seven people who would love some extra cash? What if seven weeks could change your life and theirs for less than $2 would you go for it FULL SPEED AHEAD?If you could work online or offline, from your home, in your spare time, and earn 6 figures would you invest $1.77? WE CAN HELP!Let us prove it to you!!! JOIN NOW AT:
Thursday, December 4, 2008
New Freedom opens its Doors
Opened just hours ago 2 x 12 forced - binary but pays on everything - no balancing necessaryUp to $500 FREE gasolineLarge shopping mall with the biggest discounts and cash backDistributor bill of rightsNo changes in pay plan without approval ot the distributor board.Fast start bonuses - Low annual fee only(no monthly or other hidden charges. New Freedom Norm 509 653 2943
Home biz bailout
Your Government Bailout Check Bailout Checks to be made available in less than 30 days .Just click it and the government will stick it in your pocket.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Not another home based ad
Still a little shocked from the incredible results from this new tool.They showed us this robot marketer yesterday. Today they sentme a 15 minute video reportage that gives us a lot more insight.From beta testers over real live data to an exclusiveinterview with one of the developers, they got all bases covered. If you want to know more I urge you to watch this Video Reportage.Ask for the link. the link:Watch it while its available. As I heard from the developers over 20.000 people accessed it yesterday (!!!) .No clue how long the server can stand this load.. But it had to be expected..In case you missed yesterdays stunning proof report, its also still accessible on: Do yourself a big favor and check it out. I seriously have never seen anything like it.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Timing is eveything in network marketing biz
Have you ever been lucky enough to hear about a brand
new opportunity
before it actually launches? How about an opportunity that
has not even
signed up its first distributor yet? That is what I would call
being at the
right place at the right time.
Timing is everything in Network Marketing. Your success
could depend
on WHEN you get involved in an opportunity just as much
as how hard you
work at building a solid business.
There have been fortunes made on timing alone. The first in
are usually the
first to cash in as well. Your timing today could not be more
A Direct Sales Company that has been in development
for over
2 years now is unveiling themselves and their cutting edge
nutritional product
to the marketplace in January "interest list" is now
The product is unique, exclusive and a true category creator,
the delivery
system is already a success story creating BILLIONS in sales
and the next
generation compensation plan will not only create the largest
checks in the
industry, it will create more checks than any other company.
- Millions of Dollars Invested
- Unique Time Release Technology
- Harvard Medical Doctor Formulated
- Fortune 500 Branding
- Successful and Experienced Management
- Distributor Friendly Compensation
- Next Generation Support and Training System
Positioning is still wide open...there will be an early registration
made available
Reply to this or send to me for specifics..
name of company,
name of product, people involved, marketing plan, marketing
and training system,
date of launch...and how you can benefit by getting involved with
myself and my team
Strictly information at this point...but after a short series of emails
you will know
exactly who we are and what we are doing...and if you are
anything at all
like the rest of us you will be intrigued at the least
Please include in your email a bit about yourself and any networking
pre-qualifying for top spots Now!
new opportunity
before it actually launches? How about an opportunity that
has not even
signed up its first distributor yet? That is what I would call
being at the
right place at the right time.
Timing is everything in Network Marketing. Your success
could depend
on WHEN you get involved in an opportunity just as much
as how hard you
work at building a solid business.
There have been fortunes made on timing alone. The first in
are usually the
first to cash in as well. Your timing today could not be more
A Direct Sales Company that has been in development
for over
2 years now is unveiling themselves and their cutting edge
nutritional product
to the marketplace in January "interest list" is now
The product is unique, exclusive and a true category creator,
the delivery
system is already a success story creating BILLIONS in sales
and the next
generation compensation plan will not only create the largest
checks in the
industry, it will create more checks than any other company.
- Millions of Dollars Invested
- Unique Time Release Technology
- Harvard Medical Doctor Formulated
- Fortune 500 Branding
- Successful and Experienced Management
- Distributor Friendly Compensation
- Next Generation Support and Training System
Positioning is still wide open...there will be an early registration
made available
Reply to this or send to me for specifics..
name of company,
name of product, people involved, marketing plan, marketing
and training system,
date of launch...and how you can benefit by getting involved with
myself and my team
Strictly information at this point...but after a short series of emails
you will know
exactly who we are and what we are doing...and if you are
anything at all
like the rest of us you will be intrigued at the least
Please include in your email a bit about yourself and any networking
pre-qualifying for top spots Now!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Just released fastest online business trend
Just Released! Be One of The First To Hear!A new global business has just arrived and is currently in a controlled leadership launch..........First movers advantage…. Listen carefully!Those that seize this opportunity will win big time!Even if you have never made a dime online you will find that this is easy and extremely fun. People with a vision will see the power of this unique and extremely powerful concept and be able to change their financial future forever.My name is Harry the non hyper and I would like to introduce you to my Success Team. Our group is comprised of successful marketers who have come together as a team, to share their secrets and successes with you for the first time. We are looking for people to mentor to success.The time is right here, right now with the right team and you are going to want to be part of it! Don’t miss out, take advantage of what is about to be presented to you, it could change your financial situation once and for all!Our team is helping thousands of people all over the world position themselves in front of the hottest and most exciting, fast growing trends in the world. We know how to share with the masses in a HUGE way - putting in over 40,000 people into an organization within 100 days and making over 1 million dollars a year! We expect this to be the biggest thing we have ever done! We KNOW what we're doing and want to teach you to do the same. We would like to mentor you to success - are YOU ready? TODAY, you have an opportunity to start a Life-Changing INCOME! Don't hesitate! Get the free details about this exciting online trend now:
Another Home business spill
BUT FIRST PICTURE THIS...*You now work from the kitchen table...*You only put in about 2 hours a day...*You generate an incredible income from the comfort of your home...*You Have No Boss...*UPS or FEDEX trucks bring cash right to your doorstep! again and again...*And best of all, there is no learning curve. This is total TIME FREED0M.This can be you ONE MONTH from now!Oh, and by the way, this is N0T Gifting but your payments are delivered Next Day Air to your door. Our products will skyrocket your income. (home bizzers are joining) You've probably seen all the videos of people opening up envelope after envelope all full of cash.Don't you think it would be wise to learn how they receive all this cash delivered right to their doorstep?REAL PEOPLE from ALL OVER THE WORLD are FINALLY experiencing success online!So what are you waiting for?Call now, because over 50% of first time callers are getting started!"Last month I generated $10,500 by simply letting people listen to this ingenious voicemail. It is the simplest program I have ever done. Its like having my own m0ney tree." -Brandon in IdahoYOU CAN'T AFFORD TO NOT CHECK THIS OUT! "This is incredible I got in on Thursday and a week later I had over $20,000 in profit in my hands. I've never seen anything like it in my twelve years as a full time networker. This program absolutely rocks!"- Karl in Virginia Boy am I kicking myself for not getting started with this earlier. Don't make the same mistake I did!!!Take Action And Secure Your Future!Thankx for your time and we'll see you at the top!P.S. As the current state of the economy progressively worsens, the h0me based business industry continues to thrive. Isn't it time you took your destiny in your own hands, and tapped into a proven business that can finally start turning things around for you and your family? To find out exactly how to do that, stop what you're doing right now and call now,pick up the phone.
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