Select ONLY 1 Loyalty Card
Per 30 Days, Per Subscription.
You must be ACTIVE to order this card. If more than one card is purchased, the second
transaction will be voided. It may take up to 14 days to refund the second purchase.
Loyalty Card: Purchase any of our Loyalty Cards and you are guaranteed to save 25%
off the face value of each card. You can only purchase 1 of any card one time a month.
The card comes with instructions where you can track your balance. The balance can be
kept past the order month and beyond. For now, you will receive a new card with each
purchase. We are working with the bank on options for a later date.
You can place your order by logging into your back office, click on “My Order”, and
then select “New Order”. You will find the selection of both the loyalty cards and
commissionable nutritional products. Please allow up to 14 days to receive your order.
This is a smart way to save-- and some folks wll do this as a biz.....