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global verge View More Online Marketing Blogs global verge What is all the BUZZ or should we say buZZirk? & Home About HUB buZZirk Mobile buZZoip voip Global Verge Support start Meet Franklin POW-R-SAVE emf See U on Talk Shoe Advertise Here Categories hub marketing (48) Uncategorized (27) Work From Home Business (1) Monthly March 2009 (1) February 2009 (7) January 2009 (9) December 2008 (5) November 2008 (7) October 2008 (17) September 2008 (19) August 2008 (4) July 2008 (6) Pages About HUB buZZirk Mobile buZZoip voip Global Verge Support start Meet Franklin POW-R-SAVE emf See U on Talk Shoe Meta Login Valid XHTML XFN Mar 04 2009 FunKy munkey post getz Buzzirk fans Published by buzzirk under Uncategorized Edit This First let me toot Today.com horn from my Fathead Steeler’s Chair.No,that is not me in the super recliner.It is the invisible man.The idea to build a search engine from blog posts is ideal.Pay folks to share information is off the hook.It just got more interesting,Today.com has added an affiliate program with tons of interesting products.This is a great idea for Today.com bloggers to grab some additional income.Gurus use affiliate links in their blogs. In today’s economy,the idea borders on ’stimulus genius’.I will not be able to use many affiliate links for this blogs topic. Hey,they got me thinking.My uncle always said,”if your brains were dynamite you would not have enough to blow your nose”.After reading my post,my uncle may be on to something.For  blogs that review products and books,”it is duck season no it is buck season”.In the forum, this new income stream has a Buzz.If you see a Steeler chair up there,the affiliate BETA is going well .Bloggers have tons of products to share from this affiliate program.Time to start your Today.com blog. Congrats Today.com and all you folks have a wonderful today.Wow, it is time to golf.The weather is perfect.Have fun because SPRING has begun.. Share and Enjoy: Advertise Here 2 responses so far Feb 26 2009 Global Verge hits the marketing button Published by buzzirk under hub marketing Edit This PUSH BUTTON SPONSORING IS HERE!!!! Are you ready to take your Global Verge business to the next level? So Powerful - So Exciting - So Effective,  You Won’t Believe it Until You See it in action! Push Button Sponsoring will Turn Your Prospects Into Customers! Talk to the people who need, want and desire what you have. These are the real customers and opportunity seekers; this is where the real money is and where you want to be, and Push Button Sponsoring will find them for you. Push Button Sponsoring makes the difficult part of running your business SIMPLE. Instant And Immediate Follow up With Instant Touch Phone System A Powerful Online List Building System That Follows Up Over And Over Powerful Video Capture Pages Incredible Traffic Building Resources and training Push Button Sponsoring is a web-based automated marketing system that utilizes social networks, delivers product campaigns, video lead capture pages, newsletters, and autoresponder messages. Push Button Sponsoring provides the tools and ongoing training to help build your business.  This simple turnkey system will make it easy for all e-associates to generate prospects to build their Global Verge business. Inside the Push Button Sponsoring back-office you will have access to our GV Phone Broadcast System and REAL-TIME leads. Within minutes of getting signed up, you will have the tools that you need in order to succeed. NOTE: If you are a Pro Pack Member (except Fathom Pro Package) the Push Button Sponsoring System is included in your membership. If you are a Basic Member and wish to use the system there is a $10.00 cost that will be added to your monthly membership fee. You will receive a link along with a username and password (which you can change) to get into your marketing site. Make sure that you have Global Verge white listed so that you receive emails. Happy Marketing and have a blessed Today. Share and Enjoy: No responses yet Feb 22 2009 buzzirk Tmobile training day Published by buzzirk under hub marketing Edit This It was the Mark Jim Jack and Scott training show.Jim did a fantastic professional biz overview.Mark had a Buzzirk mobile (mobile virtual network enabler)update.February contest winner will get an amazing phone and a years service no cost.Do you know how to use your T-Mobile website and T-Mobile back office?Phone sales pay commisions and 10% residuals. Mark says the best training is to sell more cellphones from your website.Back office shows the status of your customers order.The correct sales procedures will have more and more videos to make it easy for new partners. Training this Saturday had Jack with an important marketing training session . Jack said he really likes the broadcast feature of the push button marketing system.Scott returning from Uganda talked about the system in terms of Global Verge hub business.The education information and entire library of lead capture pages are available with this system.Make your system work with personal branding.On going marketing training will continue.(tips, forums, and social networks) Did you know that in Brisbane, one day the weather is beautiful and the next day is perfect.Reminds me of Key west.  Many new biz meetings are springing up down under.Congrats to all new global Oz partners.Perfect today to you mate. Share and Enjoy: No responses yet Feb 19 2009 Do we know your mobile phone ? Published by buzzirk under Uncategorized Edit This 5   things folks may not know about their cell phone. There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies. Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival. Check out the things that you can do with it: # 1 Emergency The Emergency Number worldwide for Mobiles is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile; network and there is an emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out. # 2 Have you locked your keys in the car? Does your car have remote keyless entry? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to own a cell phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare keys are at home, call someone at home on their cell phone from your cell phone. Hold your cell phone about a foot from your car door and have the person at your home press the unlock button, holding it near the mobile phone on their end. Your car will unlock. Saves someone from having to drive your keys to you. Distance is no object. You could be hundreds of miles away, and if you can reach someone who has the other ‘remote’ for your car, you can unlock the doors (or the trunk). Editor’s Note: It works fine! We tried it out and it unlocked our car over a cell phone!’ # 3 Hidden Battery Power Imagine your cell battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370# Your cell will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell next time. # 4 How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone? To check your Mobile phone’s serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: * # 0 6 # A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. When your phone gets stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won’t get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can’t use/sell it either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones. And Finally…. # 5 Free Directory Service for Cells Cell phone companies are charging us $1.00 to $1.75 or more for 411 information calls when they don’t have to. Most of us do not carry a telephone directory in our vehicle, which makes this situation even more of a problem. When you need to use the 411 information option, simply dial: (800) FREE 411, or (800) 373-3411 without incurring any charge at all.  We cannot verify all cell phones will operate the same way but you may want to know about this information. Call a friend and tell them to have a stupendous Today. Share and Enjoy: No responses yet Feb 14 2009 Hub marketing wheel keeps turning Published by buzzirk under hub marketing Edit This The Hub marketing plans algorithms are in place. This gives Global Verge the ability to add products or take away products at the speed of a click.Mark Ryder says he has not seen another marketing plan that is so adaptable to change.In today’s biz world,a company must be ready for change.If you get a chance,please watch the video at our previous post.The video shows future marketing reach and change.Hub marketing is set to move at this future speed of business. Saturday is a great day for a Saturday morning training call.Jim started the call with a potential partner business presentation.Mark Ryder explained how the hub marketing pay plan works.President of Global Verge Ted updated the team what corporate is doing next week.Jack gave a fun story how he obtained 15 biz cards at his brokers office.Jim talked about the new taxes in the governments new stimulus package.Jim ended the training call with how he gets a stimulus from his business. Glad you are here at today@ this day. Share and Enjoy: No responses yet Feb 13 2009 do you know the speed of marketing? Published by buzzirk under Uncategorized, Work From Home Business Edit This Not going to write much today because the video talks.Now, do you have an interest in marketing?If so,this short show is worth watching.  Have a terrific today and a wonderful week-end.Hope to see you next week as the shift happens. Share and Enjoy: No responses yet Feb 11 2009 Oz Global Verge Partners and friends Published by buzzirk under hub marketing Edit This Our prayers go out to the folks in Australia.Condolences and continued prayers for all people in Oz. Wildfire loses have been unreal.Special note,Coles Australia is having a day of profit to donate to the wildfire fund . (bush fires)Thanks Coles .                                                                                                                                      On the Global Verge business update front.Mvne and Mvno are moving forward.Carriers understand the benefit of doing Buzzoip.How do partners get the fastest answers?Global verge support dot com is the answer.All support tickets are answered in a timely manor.The Global Verge dot net replicated site will be one of our main marketing sites.Take a peak at this site tomorrow.It sounds Canada is almost ready to go buzzirk for buzzoip. Who said this.”To create great wealth, be first with an idea & be the first to tell the world about it” Warren Buffet  We are thinking about all folks in Oz today. Share and Enjoy: 2 responses so far Feb 06 2009 Spring into ACTION Published by buzzirk under hub marketing Edit This Greetings e-associates and potential Hubsters,did January make you shiver?Thank God, it is February.Hope it is warmer in your neck of the globe?It has been relentless cold and snowy here.Belmont county has ran out of salt for the roads.Funny when i hear people say, it is colder than hades.”Colder outside than my future ex-wife.”We hope that the groundhog is wrong again.In G.V. world, leaders have sprung into action.Leaders continue to build systems to help new e-members develop live prospects.Next week the comp plan presentation will be simplified.Jim is shooting for a one page bullet point presentation. How wonderful it would be to bottle Ruth’s enthusiasm and sell it.Ruth purchased a computer for her nephew.She looked for a better deal and did not find one.No comparable machine was in the same ball park.(saved about 300 bucks).New global customers have been happy with their Buzzoip product purchase.Loved hearing about the folks in South Africa and around the globe using Buzzoip.Jim said there would be no training calls this weekend.Have a good one and a thermonuclar today. Share and Enjoy: No responses yet Jan 31 2009 Global Verge push-button Published by buzzirk under hub marketing Edit This Mark and Mark,Ted,Jack had special guest Scott on the call today.To hear the entire call go to Talkshoe.com and use i.d. 21600. Scott talked about attraction marketing on the Internet.A.I.D.A is our goal.Drive traffic to members profile. First brand yourself at one of the many social networks.(attention)Provide information that has value to folks.(interest).Give folks a place to contact you if they have an interest.(decision).Those that raise their hand show them how to start a Global Verge Hub Market biz.(action)                                     Scott said that capture and branding will work.People like to do business with people they know,like ,and trust.He said many marketing systems come and go. Those Systems say”don’t talk to anyone or build any relationships,just set it and forget it”.Longer term marketing will  have a building and branding of ‘youme”.To grab a peak at this>> http://www.pushbuttonsponsoring.com .Hey even if you have no interest,Scott and Jack provide a wealth of information.Enjoy a healthy blessed Today. Share and Enjoy: No responses yet Jan 30 2009 enroll or sponsor Published by buzzirk under hub marketing Edit This On a Buzzirk team call, Steve said we sponsor partners and enroll customers.Global Verge has good customer service in place for customers.But lets talk about the word sponsor .Now that we are finally out of the pioneer stage.Momentum stage brings many new partners. Let us go to the dictionary to see what sponsor actually means. . Here’s the definition…                                         One who takes responsibility for another person or a group during a period of instruction, apprenticeship, or probation. This  definition of the word sponsor is from the Merriam Webster dictionary. And that is the job of a sponsor when someone joins as a Global Verge partner member.    In this business happy customers and trained partners is job one. It is not to sign a new partner up, and then move on to the next person.Online this seem to be the normal way of business.We need to remember the the words sponsor and enroll. Sponsor folks that want to do this biz.Don’T sell people that do not want to be partners. Buzzirk teams job is to take responsibility for new partners success in this online global opportunity. Buzzirk Team wishes you a tremendous today. 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