This is an interesting biz model in AMERICA.We like looking at the global mobile hub marketing models but this was worth a look. Hub marketing in the internet arena makes things interesting.A model that we just reviewed makes sense.Now words from the company web site. A company ready, willing, and able to boost your immediate buying power with the most unique and powerful Loyalty program in the nation.
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Shoppers Telling Shoppers program pays you substantial, steady income when our share our mission with others.Bottom line ,it pays to be a member even if we do not tell any other potential members.For the whole story please go here. smile Lady
1 comment:
How can My Harvest America
offer such deep discounts?
Through a combination of unique alliances, My Harvest America receives multiple streams
of revenue. This additional revenue combined with Subscription, Nutritional and other
company wide sales enables MHA to offer the discounts. In addition. My Harvest America
administers its operations with cutting edge technology that lowers overhead and creates
additional savings to the bottom line. Our marketing costs are also reduced through Social
Networking, where customers spread the word through our Loyalty programs.
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